
  • Sandro Vieira Soares UFSC
  • Fernando Richartz UFSC
  • Fernando Dal-ri Murcia UFSC




Ranking, Graduate Programs, Assessment, Scientific Production.


The aim of this research is to analyze the Graduate Programs in Accounting at Masters level, operating in Brazil, according to scientific output in journals in the period of 2007 to 2009. For this purpose, data were collected from professors of 18 activity programs. To analyze the scores of journals, it was used Qualis stratification together with the score set by Capes. The results indicate that institutions with higher scores were USP (5560), FURB (4650) and USP / RP (3220). The analysis of the scores per professor points out that the programs with best levels were USP (370.67 per teacher), FURB (332.14) and UFSC (290.0). The calculation of the coefficient of variation was performed to detect if there was some regularity in the distribution of scores or if there was concentration of points in the production of some professors. The results show that the highest rates were at UFAM (1.95), UERJ (1.54) and UFBA (1.18) that present a higher dispersion in the production. The programs with the highest percentage of professors considered highly productive, according to Capes (more than 150 points in the period of three years), were USP (87%), UFMG (77%) and FURB (71%). The last factor analyzed was the inclusion of researches in international journals. This analysis revealed that programs with the highest score in journals level A1 and level A2 were FURB (920 points), FUCAPE (840 points) and USP / RP (560 points). Finally, it was found that USP, FURB and FUCAPE have, overall, the best indicators of scientific production in journals. These results should be contrasted with results of studies involving other methods that evaluate scientific production of graduate programs, such as citation analysis, in the pursuit of evaluation graduate development and the study of academic productivism impact.


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Author Biographies

Sandro Vieira Soares, UFSC

Fernando Richartz, UFSC

Fernando Dal-ri Murcia, UFSC


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