Regional development in the Taquari Valley-RS: a discussion of strategic priorities


  • Cíntia Agostini UNIVATES - Centro Universitário



Globalization, regional development, strategic priorities, Taquari Valley-RS.


This article discusses the strategic priorities on the Taquari Valley-Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil) and its relation to the movement of globalization. It assumes that there is a contradictory relationship between the construction of the regions and the hegemonic action, but it says that in the territories all actors act, whether belonging to the global logic or those, which can be considered against hegemonic. Under these conditions, designing development is to consider the regional and global in the dialectic condition of being, taking into account the past and building the perspectives of each region. Methodologically this is a qualitative descriptive research, a survey of bibliographic and documentary data. Through content analysis, it evaluates several priorities identified by regional actors and infers about its relationship with the global logic. Finally it highlights that the region, under the proposal perspective,  do not shows to be more linked to global logic, but the look of the regional particularities still comes down to the quality aspects of life of the population and does not proceed to others which are instrumental in regionalization of a territory.

JEL-Code | O18; R11; R58.


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Author Biography

Cíntia Agostini, UNIVATES - Centro Universitário

Centro de Gestão Organizacional

Ciências Econômicas



How to Cite

Agostini, C. (2015). Regional development in the Taquari Valley-RS: a discussion of strategic priorities. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 3(1), 179–203.


