The construction of the border condition of western Amapá (1947-2014)


  • Jadson Luís Rebelo Porto



Amapá, borderline condition, use of the border.


Studies on the topic of “borders” are quite diverse, varied and multidisciplinary in literature. This article has focused on the uses of the border, in particular the Amapá western border as part of the Brazilian Border Strip. For the present discussion the timeframe analysis of the post-decade period from 1940 is adopted, when the Federal Territory of Amapá was created. Of the 16 municipalities in Amapá, eight are inserted in the Brazilian border strip. Of these, we selected the municipalities of Serra do Navio and Pedra Branca do Amapari. This choice is due to the construction of the border condition of western Amapá, distinct from the other areas of this federal entity, dominated by an institutionalized strategic-peripheral condition.This article aims to reflect on the construction of the use of the western Amapá border, from the joint territorial configuration of the municipalities of Serra do Navio and Pedra Branca do Amapari as a driven border, poorly articulated, however, and disconnected from its international abut, inserted into a national border regionalization, and holding a strategic border-peripheral condition. Three aspects are especially considered: the borderline condition of the state, western Amapá as a border disconnected with the abut, but connected to the world, and the strategic-peripheral condition of Amapá Western abut.

JEL-Code | F13; O19; R11.


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How to Cite

Porto, J. L. R. (2014). The construction of the border condition of western Amapá (1947-2014). Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 2(1), 145–173.




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