DOI: clave:
Virtual narcissism, Academic procrastination, Graduate students, Business areaResumen
The objective of this research was to verify the relationship between the intensity of narcissism evidenced in social networks and the academic procrastination behaviors of Brazilian postgraduate students stricto sensu in the Business area. For this study, a virtual narcissism intensity perceptions questionnaire and an academic procrastination behavior scale were used. The sample consisted of 605 postgraduate students from the business area, the data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and correlation tests. Among the results found, master's students present greater intensity of virtual narcissism, compared to doctoral students. Thus, the statements related to security and expression indicate that postgraduate students feel very sure of themselves and have no problem expressing their opinion. This result is very interesting because it is perceived that relatively young students have the courage and willingness to express their opinions, problems, academic and professional achievements with other people. On the other hand, when Spearman's correlation was analyzed, it was shown for this sample that there is no significant relationship between narcissism in social networks and academic procrastination, since all the correlations were negative or non-existent. It is believed that the study is highlighted since, despite the abundance of publications related to clinical narcissism, empirical research on personality traits or subclinical narcissism is considered relatively recent, especially when it comes to this new aspect called digital narcissism and its link with academic procrastination.
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