
  • Laura Taboada Pinheiro UFMG
  • Rodney Pereira de Macedo UFMG
  • Adriana Giarola Vilamaior UFMG



Comprehensive Profit. Net Profit. Volatility. Comprehensive Income.


The ongoing process to better demonstrate the financial position of the companies culminated in compulsory disclosure of the comprehensive income statement in the USA in 1997. Contrary to accounting theorists in some points, FASB determined that certain financial changes were recorded in Equity, composing the Comprehensive Income, to the detriment of recognition in the net income. This stance was justified by the volatility that would cause certain variations in net income of companies. Given the requirement of comprehensive income disclosure in Brazil from the year ended on December 31, 2010, this work analyzes hypothetical and empirically the volatility that Other Comprehensive Income would cause if they were registered in the net income. Descriptive statistics and T-Test were used: two combined samples for means to analyze 21 Brazilian companies that disclosed accounting information in NYSE, for the financial years from 2003 to 2007. The results obtained by means of descriptive statistics show that the possible recognition of Other Comprehensive Income in the net income would cause greater volatility in net income of those companies, without trend set to increase or decrease it. The conversion of the financial statements of overseas investments is the item that most collaborates to this volatility. The result obtained by the T-test did not reject the null hypothesis, showing no statistically significant difference between the variables Net Income volatility and Comprehensive Income volatility.


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Author Biographies

Laura Taboada Pinheiro, UFMG

Rodney Pereira de Macedo, UFMG

Adriana Giarola Vilamaior, UFMG


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, L. T., Macedo, R. P. de, & Vilamaior, A. G. (2012). NET INCOME VERSUS COMPREHENSIVE INCOME: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF VOLATILITY. Revista Universo Contábil, 8(4), 06–18.



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