Motivation, Self-Determination Theory, Stricto Sensu, BusinessAbstract
The study, descriptive and quantitative, aims to investigate the motivational level of students from professional master's programs in the Business area, from Brazilian Higher Education Institutions, to enter the doctorate. To do so, we conducted an online survey in which we analyzed the motivation of 140 students to continue their studies using the Academic Motivation Scale, based on the Theory of Self-Determination. The results indicate that students are intrinsically motivated to enter the doctoral program, showing a high the Self-Determination of Motivation Index. In addition, we have found that students’ motivational level does not differ statistically to the course and the phase of the master's course being taken. The study contributes expanding the discussion on the students’ motivation in professional master's programs. It demonstrates that despite having a profile more oriented towards the labor market, their motivation to enter the doctorate program is linked to the pleasure and satisfaction that results from the opportunity to learn new things and the expansion of knowledge on subjects of interest to the student. Because motivation is a relevant stimulus in the teaching-learning process, the main implication of the study is to highlight the need to develop actions to encourage students' motivation before entering the doctorate, such as holding workshops with potential candidates. , analysis of the motivational profile in the selection process, and work with intrinsic stimuli in students enrolled in the program as special students.
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