Identification of family indebtedness in Santa Rosa-RS


  • Marco Antonio da Costa Malheiros Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus São Vicente
  • Claudio Edilberto Höfler Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Santa Rosa
  • Sergio Guilherme Schlender Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Santa Rosa
  • Lidiéli Neves dos Santos Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Santa Rosa
  • Bruna Gabriela Warmbier Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Santa Rosa



factor analysis, family indebtedness, Rio Grande do Sul, sample profile.


In a context of overconsumption and economic crisis, consumers have committed a significant portion of their family incomes, incurring in budget imbalances and, consequently, in an increase in indebtedness. The present article aims to identify the factors that influence the process of family indebtedness of the municipality of Santa Rosa, in the Brazilian Southern State of Rio Grande do Sul. We did a sample profile analysis and a factor analysis, as well as T-test and ANOVA, to verify the impact of these elements on reduction of debts in 182 households during the period of November 2015 to March 2016. The factor analysis made it possible to identify the main constructs with good adequacy and extraction. Based on these factors we noted important differences in sample profile and the way families are influenced when they have overdue debts and when their debts mature in the future.

JEL-Code | D14; O18; R15.


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How to Cite

Malheiros, M. A. da C., Höfler, C. E., Schlender, S. G., dos Santos, L. N., & Warmbier, B. G. (2016). Identification of family indebtedness in Santa Rosa-RS. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 4(2), 217–245.


