(In)visibility of women in artisanal fisheries: an analysis on gender questions in Miracema do Tocantins-TO


  • Soraya Helena de Araújo Mendes Araújo Mendes Universidade Federal do Tocantins
  • Temis Gomes Parente Gomes Parente Universidade Federal do Tocantins




Artisanal fisheries, gender, (in)visibility, Tocantins.


This article aims to analyze the (in)visibility of fishing activities carried out by fisherwomen associated with the Craft Fishers Cologne Z-16 in Miracema do Tocantins and Tocantínia (Copemito). We try to give academic visibility to these activities because of their invisibility due to gender. They function as cultural referent in the process of construction and social reproduction of subjects. In our investigation we adopted qualitative methodologies by using Oral History research technics. The data showed that the fisherwomen of Copemito perform all tasks that correspond to the artisanal fishing activities, from the making of fishing tackle to the fish processing. However, there are differences between women living with partners and single women: while the first conceive their activities as a “help” to their partners, the latter consider themselves as direct participants in the fishing activity. It demonstrates that there are legitimized gender inequalities in the fishing sector.

JEL-Code | J16; Q22; R11.


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How to Cite

Mendes, S. H. de A. M. A., & Parente, T. G. P. G. (2016). (In)visibility of women in artisanal fisheries: an analysis on gender questions in Miracema do Tocantins-TO. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 4(2), 177–199. https://doi.org/10.7867/2317-5443.2016v4n2p177-199


