Ecodevelopment prospects: the case of Guaraqueçaba-PR


  • José Carlos Muniz UFPR - Setor Litoral
  • Valdir Frigo Denardin UFPR Setor Litoral



Development, eco-development, growth, Guaraqueçaba-PR, public administration.


The Guaraqueçaba region of Paraná coast is world renowned for the lush natural attractions that shape as a Biosphere Reserve, World Natural Heritage Site. This displays characteristics of the Brazilian cultural heritage and faces decades, serious restrictions in social terms. Such restrictions highlights it as one of the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) of Paraná. Taking advantage of this scenario are often strengthened and emphasized discussions regarding the development of the region. This article aims to identify, in Guaraqueçaba, in the Municipal Government Management Plan 2012-2016, proposals dealing with the development of the region, based on eco-development assumptions. As a result, shows a set of actions that would contribute to the reduction of social inequalities, maintaining local culture, with conservation of natural resources of the territory; actions that can be financed by funds from the Ecological ICMS.

JEL-Code | O15; Q56; R59.


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Author Biographies

José Carlos Muniz, UFPR - Setor Litoral

Licenciado em História (FAFIPAR, 2008); Especializado em História, Arte e Cultura (UEPG, 2012); Especializado em História e Cultura Indígena e Afro-Brasileira (ULBRA, 2014); Mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável (UFPR Litoral, 2015/16). Currículo Lattes: E-mail: <>.

Valdir Frigo Denardin, UFPR Setor Litoral

Valdir Frigo Denardin - Professor da Universidade Federal do Paraná – Setor Litoral, Dr. Em Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento, Agricultura e Sociedade, Professor dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável (PPGDTS/UFPR) e Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento (PPGMADE/UFPR). O autor agradece a CAPES por proporcionar bolsa de estudo para a realização de Estágio Sênior no Laboratoire Dynamiques Sociales et Recomposition des Espaces (LADYSS), Processo BEX 1865/15-3. Currículo Lattes: E-mail: <>.



How to Cite

Muniz, J. C., & Denardin, V. F. (2016). Ecodevelopment prospects: the case of Guaraqueçaba-PR. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 4(1), 227–246.


