Livelihoods and tobacco production: an analysis of living conditions in the human development perspective


  • Tanise Dias Freitas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Agronomia 91509-900 - Porto Alegre, RS
  • Anelise Graciele Rambo UFRGS e UFFS
  • Sérgio Schneider UFRGS



Arroio do Tigre-RS, diversification, human development, livelihoods, living conditions, tobacco farming.


This article presents a study on the issue of human development and the living conditions in rural areas, from the case of the tobacco-producing family farming, in the Arroio do Tigre-RS. The objective is to present a case study from the theoretical and methodological proposal of livelihoods that contemplates the idea of development apart from the discussions on economic growth, showing the need for multidimensional analysis. The present article has as theoretical base the approach of Amartya Sen, methodologically operationalized by the prospect of diversification of livelihoods by Frank Ellis. These approaches support the methodological proposal of five dimensions of development: natural, social, human, physical and financial, that have been aggregated as from simple averages and resulted in two indexes: livelihood (IMV) and living conditions (ICV) with objective and subjective data, respectively. The instruments were applied to 38 families producing tobacco and the initial results identified that the livelihoods interfere or influence the human development of the farming families of tobacco and that these livelihoods presented is differently from perceptions.

JEL-Code | L66; O13; Q12.


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Author Biographies

Tanise Dias Freitas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 9500 Agronomia 91509-900 - Porto Alegre, RS

Doutora em Sociologia. Bacharel e Mestre em Ciências Sociais. Pesquisadora Colaboradora do CEGOV - Centro de Estudos Internacionais sobre Governo e do GEPAD - Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Agric. Familiar e Desenv. Rural. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Anelise Graciele Rambo, UFRGS e UFFS

Doutora em Desenvolvimento Rural - PGDR/UFRGS
Mestre em Geografia/UFRGS. Professora do Departamento Interdisciplinar - campus Litoral Norte da UFRGS e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável (campus Laranjeiras do Sul) UFFS.

Sérgio Schneider, UFRGS

School of Arts & Social Sciences, Dep. Sociology, City University London, UK
Professor of Sociology of Rural Development and Food StudiesFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS/BrazilGraduate Programe of Sociology and Rural DevelopmentGrupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em  Agricultura Familiar e Desenvolvimento Rural (GEPAD)



How to Cite

Freitas, T. D., Rambo, A. G., & Schneider, S. (2016). Livelihoods and tobacco production: an analysis of living conditions in the human development perspective. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 4(1), 247–273.


