The problem of employment in Palmas-PR: a proposal of breaking the vicious cycle


  • Alexandre Luiz Schlemper Instituto Federal do Paraná - Campus Palmas



Employment, local development, Palmas, vicious cycle, virtuous cycle.


The study presents a brief reflection on the development status in Palmas-Paraná State (Brazil), from a diagnosis of employment dynamics. For such aspects concerning the distribution of employment by economic activities, their turnover and internal migration are posed. The methodology used secondary data on employment with CAGED as a source, in addition to interview with the workers agency in Palmas. The diagnosis concludes that there is a problem of high turnover of jobs, mainly in the timber industry of plywood sheets, in which labor migrates seasonally to the temporary activities of apple and potato harvest, later returning to industry, thus forming a vicious cycle. This cycle is evaluated by Gunnar Myrdal’s theory of circular and cumulative causation, according to which, also are presented suggestions for breaching and converting it into a virtuous cycle. The proposals are based on the opportunity to build a participative planning led by the movement of the organized civil society called Palmas Developed and the performance of Parana Federal Institute in its teaching, research and extension, promoting new economic activities driving local development.

JEL-Code | J61; O15; R38.


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How to Cite

Schlemper, A. L. (2015). The problem of employment in Palmas-PR: a proposal of breaking the vicious cycle. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 3(1), 157–178.


