Brazilian regional policy: retrospective analysis and new directions


  • Adriana Melo Alves
  • João Mendes da Rocha Neto
  • Paulo Pitanga do Amparo



Brazil, inequalities, National Policy on Regional Development, NPRD, regional policy.


This paper discusses and evaluates the path covered by the National Policy on Regional Development (NPRD) of Brazil, from its launching by the Ministry of National Integration in 2003 until nowadays. The first section examines through a retrospective standpoint the political and institutional challenges imposed to a national regional policy aimed at tackling socioeconomic disparities in a country where these are still severe by any standards. It also briefly retraces the path covered by NPRD since its launching in 2003 up to the present date; examines its foundations and proposed instruments; and analyses some hurdles faced up along its implementation.  A second section reexamines the proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Regional Development, which the Ministry of National Integration set out in 2012 with a view to launch a nationwide debate aimed at gathering feed-back for the elaboration of a politically and socially legitimized NPRD proposal to be submitted to the Brazilian National Congress. A third section puts forth the main traits of NPRD´s formal proposal as resulting from the 1st National Conference on Regional Development; and the fourth and last section dwells on the progress achieved so far by the Ministry of National Integration for securing the approval of the law which shall turn NPRD into a State policy.

JEL-Code | P25; R11; R58.


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How to Cite

Alves, A. M., Neto, J. M. da R., & Amparo, P. P. do. (2015). Brazilian regional policy: retrospective analysis and new directions. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 2(2), 107–132.


