Chemical waste treatment and recovery laboratory: an alternative for industrial waste of southern Minas Gerais


  • Luciano Tavares da Costa Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Eduardo Gomes Salgado Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Dirlane de Fátima do Carmo Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Mayra Guerra Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Marina Evangelista Universidade Federal de Alfenas
  • Karla Silveira Universidade Federal de Alfenas



Chemical residues, laboratory, Minas Gerais, recycling, sustainability.


This manuscript consisted to obtain data, such as costs, equipments and investments necessary for the implementation of a Waste Treatment and Recovery Laboratory at UNIFAL-MG, campus II in Alfenas. In order to give support for the implementation and operation of this laboratory, in a way to guarantee a sustainable investment from the economic point of view, the EVTE was applied. This work was performed following the steps: identification and quantification of the wastes, EVTE elaboration, draft of the physical laboratory architecture and the analysis of the potential financial resources. It was verified that the implementation and management of the Chemical Waste Treatment Laboratory get to support an initial waste volume of 372 L/month and 3.5 kg/month of inorganic salts, beyond other industrial wastes from the neighborhood region. The implementation and maintenance of this laboratory are economic viable depending on the treated, recovered and recycled waste volume as well as on the provided service for the industry client. It is necessary to highlight the environmental benefits, especially due to the chemical waste disposal reduction, the academic formation opportunity and the social awareness promoted by the action of the laboratory. It can be add on the principle related to the Sustainable Logistic Plan in the Federal Public Administration.

JEL-Code | Q01; QR3; L65.


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How to Cite

Costa, L. T. da, Salgado, E. G., do Carmo, D. de F., Guerra, M., Evangelista, M., & Silveira, K. (2015). Chemical waste treatment and recovery laboratory: an alternative for industrial waste of southern Minas Gerais. Revista Brasileira De Desenvolvimento Regional, 2(2), 225–243.


