
  • Luiz Eduardo Gunther Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA
  • Marco Antônio César Villatore Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC
  • Augustus Bonner Cochran III Professor of Political Science at Agnes Scott College


The International Labor Organization (ILO), created with the aim of promoting social justice, adopts conventions, which are instruments that establish guidelines for the policy and national actions of its Member States. Because of the changes produced by globalization, sometimes it is necessary to improve and update these conventions. In order to do so, the ILO adopts instruments called protocols, which confer greater flexibility to a convention or extend its obligations. Just as conventions, protocols are also international treaties, and are subject to ratification. They allow for the adaptation to changing conditions and the adjustment to practical difficulties that have arisen since the adoption of the Convention, thus making it more relevant and updated.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Luiz Eduardo Gunther, Centro Universitário Curitiba - UNICURITIBA

Professor at “Centro Universitário Curitiba” – UNICURITIBA. Labor Appellate Judge at the Labor Appellate Court, Region n. 9 – Pr; Post-Doctor from PUCPR; Member of the Brazilian Academy of Labor Law, of the “Instituto Histórico e Geográfico do Paraná” and of the “Centro de Letras do Paraná”. Advisor of the Research Group which edits the “Revista Eletrônica do TRT9” (

Marco Antônio César Villatore, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC

Professor at “Federal University of Santa Catarina” - UFSC. Lawyer. Post-Doctor from UNIROMA II – Tor Vergata; Member of the Brazilian Academy of Labor Law and of the “Centro de Letras do Paraná”. Leader of the NEATES.

Augustus Bonner Cochran III, Professor of Political Science at Agnes Scott College

Professor of Political Science at Agnes Scott College, Atlanta/Decatur, Georgia, USA



Comment citer

Gunther, L. E., Villatore, M. A. C., & Cochran III, A. B. (2021). PROTOCOLS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION AND DOMESTIC LEGAL ORDER. Revista Jurídica (FURB), 25(57), e9938. Consulté à l’adresse