Cittadinanze escludenti

Corpi intersezionali e postcolonialismo femminista


  • Giulia Caruso Università di Catania (Unict), Itália


The Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of Citizen makes citizenship a universal value: but universal for whom? Being a citizen meant being men, white and bourgeois, while women, traditionally excluded from the public-political space since Greco-Roman times, had to fight roughly to have their own rights and identity. Meanwhile, the essentialist image of the white, middle-class woman has prevented other identities from identifying themselves in the culturally dominant model of woman. Black feminism, intersectional theory and postcolonial feminism, laid the foundations for the elaboration of new identity boundaries and an effective universal new ideal of citizenship.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Giulia Caruso, Università di Catania (Unict), Itália

Laurea Magistrale in Storia e Cultura dei Paesi del Mediterraneo, Unict



Comment citer

Caruso, G. (2022). Cittadinanze escludenti: Corpi intersezionali e postcolonialismo femminista. Revista Jurídica (FURB), 25(58), e10756. Consulté à l’adresse