
  • Adolfo Alberto Vanti UNISINOS
  • Angel Cobo Universidade de Cantabria - Espanha
  • João Luis Peruchena Thomaz URCAMP


Controllership. Information Technology. Information Security.


The Controllership is responsible for the support decision-making process in organizations and because of that, it needs to participate in the information security processes. Therefore, this study evaluated the way of applied information security processes by integrating the areas of Controllership and IT. Methodologically the work was characterized as a descriptive research in a quali-quanti process, considering the perception of respondents in 30 questions related to the proposed problem. A supplementary questionnaire was applied based on ISO / IEC 27002 standard implying causal explanation of areas of integration and definition of different categories of professionals when they deal information security. We developed a case study applied to data collection instruments related to questionnaires and interviews, content analysis in identifying the critical business processes and risks associated with information environment. Thus, it was possible to improve the operational processes of these two areas, reducing operational risks through different actions related with participation of users, creating teams, greater standardization, communication alignment, greater control in changing systems, improvements to policies and safety standards information, use of business intelligence tools, training, information integration and focus in core process. Finally, it responded to objective of evaluating information security processes by integrating the areas of Controllership and IT.


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Author Biographies


  • Professor de Ciências Contábeis pela Faculdade Cenecista de Bento Gonçalves - RS

Adolfo Alberto Vanti, UNISINOS

  • Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Contábeis da UNISINOS

Angel Cobo, Universidade de Cantabria - Espanha

  • Professor no Departamento de Matemática Aplicada da Universidade de Cantabria

João Luis Peruchena Thomaz, URCAMP

  • Professor de Ciências Contábeis pela URCAMP - RS


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How to Cite

Schneider, L. C., Vanti, A. A., Cobo, A., & Thomaz, J. L. P. (2014). EVALUATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY PROCESSES INTEGRATING THE CONTROLLERSHIP AND IT AREAS. Revista Universo Contábil, 10(4), 68–85. Retrieved from https://ojsrevista.furb.br/ojs/index.php/universocontabil/article/view/4139



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