
  • Nuno Miguel Delicado Teixeira Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
  • António Gerson Cabral Amaro




, financial performance, profitability, cash flows, value creation, oil


Over the past decades, the business has undergone rapid change and striking, with globalization and technological innovations made the global competitiveness and increased the risk in decision making in the management of organizations. In this sense, the evaluation of financial performance and value creation are one of the most important areas in business and therefore the objective of this work focuses on identifying the most appropriate indicators to measure the ability of an organization to create financial surpluses above the return required by investors. To this end, we have identified different perspectives and indicators for evaluating financial performance, as well as methodologies to determine the cost of financing activity, essential to measure the ability to create value. Finally, the empirical study was conducted, with reference to the Portuguese business group Galp Energia, which calculated the indicators referenced in several different perspectives to assess the financial performance and value creation in the period of time that elapsed between 2005 and 2010. Thus, we found that, although with some differences in the analysis, there was consistency between the various perspectives studied and can even obtain the same results using mathematical indicators of profitability, earnings or cash flows. If the principles used are the same, and provided it is compared to the cost of capital, return on investment (ROI), Economic Value Added (EVA ®) and the economic value created (VEC) allow us to get exactly the same analysis financial performance and the ability to create value in organizations.


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Author Biographies

Nuno Miguel Delicado Teixeira, Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Prof. Adjunto no Departamento de Contabilidade e Finanças da Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

António Gerson Cabral Amaro

Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças pela Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Aluno da Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal

Morada: Avenida Dom João II, nº 14, 8º Esquerdo

Código Postal: 2910-548 Setúbal


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How to Cite

Teixeira, N. M. D., & Amaro, A. G. C. (2013). EVALUATION OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND VALUE CREATION - A CASE STUDY. Revista Universo Contábil, 9(4), 157–178. https://doi.org/10.4270/ruc.20139



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