
  • Fabricia Silva Rosa UFSC
  • Barbara Lima Voss UFSC
  • Sandra Rolim Ensslin UFSC
  • Vicente Ripoll Feliu UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA




Environmental disclosure. Theoretical referential. Comparative study.


One way of realizing and understanding the scientific research development level is to study its publications features, besides, the comparative studies help to draw profiles and to disclosure potentialities and opportunities of the most different scientific subjects. From the environmental disclosure subject, the present paper aims to identify and analyze the publications profile in Brazilian and Spanish journals through a comparative study. Based on the structured process of Rosa et al. (2009), the data collection was done through the selection of 103 papers in the period from 1991 to 2010. The results show that the subject consolidation in Brazil happened from 2007 on and in Spain in 2000. In Brazil, the focus is on the corporative report investigations, aiming the information profile identification. In Spain the studies are centered in legal and normative aspects and on GRI guidelines. Finally, both in Brazil and in Spain is notice the absence of framework and field studies. Moreover, the researches need structured process of performance assessment and environmental disclosure management.


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Author Biographies

Fabricia Silva Rosa, UFSC

Barbara Lima Voss, UFSC

Sandra Rolim Ensslin, UFSC



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