
  • Luiz Carlos Marques dos Anjos UFAL
  • Luiz Carlos Miranda UFPE
  • Daniel José Cardoso da Silva UFAL
  • Aline Rúbia Ferraz de Freitas



Accounting information. Funding. Micro and Small Enterprises.


This study investigates how the micro and small entrepreneurs perceive the usefulness of accounting information for obtaining credit from banks. A survey with closed questions was conducted targeting micro and small entrepreneurs located at the Northeast Region of Brazil, during the months of July and August 2009. The questionnaires were administered in person by the researchers in order to obtain qualitative data that would allow a more complete understanding of the reality studied. The sample was defined by convenience and comprises 122 companies (34 in Recife and 88 in Maceio). The data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, based on the use of measures of location and dispersion and non-parametric tests. The use of accounting information or getting advice from external accountant is perceived as useful for those companies that have managers with more experience in business or higher education, thus the null hypotheses that tested the impact of education level in the manager's perception of the usefulness of accounting for obtaining credit and if the managers perceive the usefulness of accounting as useful for obtaining credit from banks were rejected. The main source of funds at the business startup point comes from personal funds. Those who have used the accounting information in the process of obtaining credit perceive the accounting more useful than others. The accountant is seen as the main source of information for decision making in business, but the personal relationship with the bank manager is considered more effective to obtaining the credit approval.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Carlos Marques dos Anjos, UFAL

Luiz Carlos Miranda, UFPE

Daniel José Cardoso da Silva, UFAL

Aline Rúbia Ferraz de Freitas


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