
  • Maribel Del Socorro Burmudez Rojo Universidad de la Guajira
  • Vanessa Paola Pertuz Peralta Universidad de Santander, Sede Valledupar
  • Neida Coromoto Boscan Romero Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín,



Structural Capital, diagnostic analysis, R & D groups, public universities in Colombia


This paper presents an analysis of the structural capital inside research and development groups (R & D) in public universities in Colombia. The study is mainly based on Sveiby (1997), (Snell et al, 1999), Obeso (1999), Teece (2000), Lev (2001), CIC (2003), Ordoñez (2004), Bontis (2004), Bueno (2005), Simó and Sallán (2008), Andriessen (2008), Alama (2008), Molina (2009), Paździor and Paździor (2012), Bratianu and Orzea (2013) and Bratianu (2014). They point out the intellectual capital as a critical productions factor and competitiveness generator. Similarly, they classified the capital in three components: human, structural and relational. The authors are agreed with Bratianu (2014), and his conception of intellectual capital and entropic dynamic. The structural capital is no longer potential; it is in the operational phase. The structural capital’s fundamentals of CIC (2003) divided into organizational and technological were considered. The research is descriptive with a field design, non-experimental and transactional. A Likert scale questionnaire is used to measure the R & D groups. The results show as strengths, the efforts in R & D, and technological attempts. In other hand, the weaknesses are associated with intellectual property and innovation performance. So, the groups create management models for monitoring and improve the knowledge protection and metrics results. The models go through innovative strength indicators related to the amount of innovation, effectiveness, relating benefits versus resources, innovation culture and economic indicators.


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Author Biographies

Maribel Del Socorro Burmudez Rojo, Universidad de la Guajira

Contadora Pública, Magister en Gerencia de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo, Profesora de cátedra de la Universidad de la Guajira.

Vanessa Paola Pertuz Peralta, Universidad de Santander, Sede Valledupar

Ingeniero Industrial, Magister en Gerencia de Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo, Asesora Unidad Estratégica de Proyectos, Investigadora. Universidad de Santander. Sede Valledupar

Neida Coromoto Boscan Romero, Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín,

Profesora Titular de la Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín, Coordinadora de la Línea de Gerencia de la Tecnología, Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín, Venezuela


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